Evolution of thought

Application and Documents

Accompanying letter and fully completed application form
Project summary (max. 2 A4 pages) including title, contents, aims, applicant, time and cost frame, funding area, requested grant sum
Project description in detail, budget plan and documentation
The detailed project description, budget plan and documentation should contain the following information and documents:
Project description: all necessary information as to aim, target groups, content, form, applicant and other participating individuals and institutions, as well as responsibilities and time schedule.
Budget plan: detailed information as to costs, earnings and own contributions of persons involved in the project, especially funds (applied or approved) from other foundations, funding institutions or companies as well as sum and intended use of the contribution requested from the J-O Culture Foundation.
Documentation: work biography and, where appropriate, list of works of the applicant and other persons participating in the project, information on awards (prizes, scholarships, etc.), media reports on earlier projects/works as well as other forms of documentation (publications, CDs, compositions, etc.) that reference the performance.

Grant proposals are to be sent in written form and two copies to the Foundation Office. The Office confirms the receipt of the application. We recommend all applicants to call the Office before handing in a proposal for a brief preliminary appraisal and briefing.
The grant proposal should render a comprehensive picture of the proposed project and include specifications as regards content, form, aim, target groups, applicants or submitting institutions, as well as time and financial frame. A grant proposal must include the following items:

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