Evolution of thought

Individuals and Projects

We support artists and scholars with personal grants as well as cultural ventures with project-bound grants.
As a rule J-O Culture Foundation supports projects and individuals who are engaged professionally in the arts, culture or humanities.
Furthermore, the J-O Culture Foundation grants funding to artists, scholars and cultural projects that have been considered worthy of promotion and suggested by the Foundation Board itself.
Decision-making concerning the allotment of funds lies exclusively in the power of the Foundation Board.
Within this scope the J-O Culture Foundation supports artists, scholars and cultural projects displaying a broad variety in terms of content and form, aims and target groups, as well as time frame and financial range.
This is not the place for a comprehensive description of the Foundation Board's diverse activities, but in order to give the reader an impression of the J-O Culture Foundation's funding practice we list under examples a selection of artists we collect along the Years.

The J-O Culture Foundation uses the means at its disposal to support individuals and projects in the fields of "Visual Arts", "Literature".

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